About Motorbikes
Coordinates of the house:
41 ° 38 '55.3986 "0 ° 58' 14.5554"
Criteria Type of establishment
Business management features:
* Promotional Materials general (fulletosns, web, et.) In the official languages (Catalan and Spanish) and language Estang ..
* Indication of geographical coordinates in the promotional material.
Informative space (corner of moturisme) provides:
* Information reuros we form on paper.
* Information routes.
* Recuros tourist information in digital format (web ...)
* Recuros tourist information geocalitzables (Best ...)
* Inforamció recuros of the region personally.
* Information about support services for motorcyclists :.
- Petrol stations, and location in schedules.
- Shops and workshops related to the world of motorcycle, location and times.
* We have books, magazines or other materirals consultation related to motorcycles, motorcycling et.
* Information updated weather forecasts.
Promote moturisme provides:
* Information about Lleida Moturisme own promotional materials.
* Information of the cuisine of the region. Restaurants and alternative schedules.
Geolocated routes that can be downloaded for different browsers like Garmin, Tom Tom ...
Gas estations and prices that they are near.
The weather of the zone.